Friday, March 05, 2010

possibly the best e mail ever.a fire island winter day. the birth of a new ramp. and a far out dream. courtesy of quinn.

Yo some good waves today, clean about 4 foot, I was in a hurry and only took these two pictures, I'll send some more next time, tr ramp is xomming along and will be ready tk shred early spring, are you doing any skating out there, cement? I had this crazy dream the other night, j was at my house and sammy Vonbarthold walls into my room and im like hey.... And just startedtalking to her, than asked ummm what are you doing here, she said oooo I came with Johnny and j walk jnto the next room ad you were sitting there with really long hair and a full blown beard ad a short sleave tropical button down, a cross between the big lebowski and jesus, and even weirder j tried to take a picture but you had these crazy blue light in front of you that was shimmering lime looking through water at the sun and y was just chillin next to you and you wouldn't go into the frame of the shot.... It was wild, so j guess my question is are you growing a beard out there?....


Mr. Lentini said...

hold on hold on hold this mini ramp on the island..I want in..I want in..I want in

HA said...


Mr. Lentini said...

when are we skating it?