Sunday, November 02, 2008

often religion refers to a high power existence. common people reference a higher power when talking about something in a grand or powerful way. some may acknowledge human flaws and repent in the face of this higher power because they themselves may not feel they possess a certain quality that this higher power might have. so this might signal that man only possess so much within his own will. what if we took off the pedestal that we have bestowed amongst those things that we might think possess this higher power. what if we held ourselves as humans in this higher power. what if we acted noble in our quest? took responsibility. put common man in a higher regard. don't repent. look with in. only with in will questions be answered. the dualities on this earth shall be honed and honored. night/day/, male/female, ying/ yang, right/left. man is equal. man=woman, woman= man. man should honor mother earth. the earth is the mother of his seed. i doubt it is a coincidence that we refer to our planet as mother earth. there is only one way of reproduction. a seed is sowed and a new life is spawned. over the course of time things have gone askew. was the order of primal man the same is it is today? maybe some ways yes maybe some ways no. we need to reform our ways. honor thy earth. literally.

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